Trusting God To Do The Work
Ever feel like getting through the day as a Catholic teacher is all about you and your efforts? It can be so easy to fall into the habit of relying exclusively on all our own skills and energy. In today’s episode I share a great quote from St. Jane Francis de Chantal where she reminds us that it’s all about keeping our eyes on God and allowing Him to do the work.

Jonathan Doyle
Jonathan Doyle is an international speaker, author, businessman and executive coach who has spoken around the world to more than 400,000 people on topics related to personal development, peak performance, leadership, Catholic school evangelisation, relationships and much more.
His recent keynote addresses include the NCEA National Convention in St. Louis Missouri to 10,000 delegates and he is a frequent keynote speaker in the US, Asia and Europe.
He is also the founder of an influential education and media business that delivers training content to hundreds of organisations and thousands of individuals around the world on a weekly basis.
Jonathan holds an undergraduate degree in education from the University of Canberra, a Masters Degree in Leadership and Management from the University of Newcastle and has also undertaken post-graduate study in philosophical anthropology.
He is the author of numerous books on relationships and peak performance and each day shares these same ideas with a large global audience via The Daily Podcast with Jonathan Doyle.
Finishing Strong is a loud and clear call for every young person to make the very best of their final years of school. Based on hundreds of seminars around the world to a huge number of students Jonathan Doyle offers powerful, practical advice that can make a major difference.
Each chapter offers inspiring stories, clear principles and actionable steps for identifying and moving forward in study, life, friendships and each key area of life.
Jonathan also includes journal questions and guided reflections at the end of each chapter to maximise learning and ensure the ideas and principles can be made real, personal and achievable.
If you want to help your child or students make the very best of their final years of high school then it;s time to help them finish strong!
10,000 Teachers Have This Book Already!
How can we help teachers avoid burnout, cynicism and exhaustion?
How can the Catholic teacher live their vocation more fully, share the faith with young people and a make a difference in the world?
Over the last two decades, Jonathan Doyle has reached hundreds of thousands of Catholic teachers and leaders around the world with a message of hope and encouragement.
In Tools and Fuels, Jonathan offers a compelling vision of what Catholic schools can be in the 21st century and practical and inspiring strategies about the way each Catholic teacher can play their part in living their vocation, reaching young people and saving the world.
Find out more HERE
📍 Well, Hey everybody. Jonathan Doyle with you. Once again, welcome friends to the Catholic teacher daily podcast. Been on a little bit of a break. Great to be back with you just bringing you a few minutes each day of encouragement. For your crucial work as a Catholic teacher, today’s quote. If you’re not getting the daily email, please come across to one Catholic So we can get you that daily encouragement email today. We’re sharing a quote from Saint Jane Francis de Chantal He loved those French names. Love the French charisms. I was educated by the Marist brothers. Now the beautiful charism of family and home good food. God bless the French. Huh? So since Jane Francis de Shantelle tells us today, listen carefully, hold your eyes on God. And leave the doing to him.
That is all the doing. That you have to worry about one more time, hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to him. That is all the doing that you have to worry about? Well, we keep these podcasts very short, but there is so much here to discuss. We live in a culture. Do we, not that a accentuate celebrates day of fires and glorifies.
Doing action efficiency technology. You know, how many times have you heard people talking about changing the world and doing, okay, look, let’s not be cynical, right? There’s some good stuff in that we do want to make a positive difference. But. Our faith teaches us that, you know, as I said in today’s email that the universe was ticking along just fine. Before we got here and God seemed to have it under control and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be fine after we all leave.
So this beautiful quote, hold your eyes on God. Leave the doing to him, reminds us as Catholic educators. That we are contemplative in action, that our job is to go through our day of teaching and relationship and pastoral care and all the things that we do. And keep this contemplative gaze on God, just this constant calling to mind, if his presence just a constant looking towards God.
For all that we need on a daily basis. And then of course she finishes by saying that is all the doing that you have to worry about. As I’ve said many times. I, uh, I love the quote from Bishop Peter. When I spoke in Boise, Idaho. And this beautiful quote, where he said, you’ve got to stop trying to make Jesus unemployed.
I loved that, you know, let’s leave the doing to God. Let’s be people of prayer. Let’s keep that contemplative gaze on Christ throughout the day. Just a mindfulness, just a constant in the midst of the stress and the struggle and the challenge. Let’s just constantly come back to the presence of God. The fact that he’s got our back, the fact that it’s up to him to bring the increase it’s up to him to bring the breakthrough it’s up to him.
Then the Holy spirit, particularly to give us the insights, the ideas, the, the knowledge, the sensitivity, the timing. That will allow us to flourish in our vocation. As we relate to our colleagues, to 📍 parents, to young people and our whole school community. That’s it for me today. Thank you again to that beautiful quote from the Saint Jane Francis de Chantal. So friends come across to one Catholic Check out the resources page. Make sure you take a free trial of the going deeper Catholic teacher formation resource. Please make sure you’ve subscribed to the podcast my name’s jonathan doyle and i’m going to have another message for you tomorrow