In our previous episode I talked about the incredible changes that every Catholic teacher is experiencing due to corona virus. Among those major changes are the breakdown to our normal sense of routine and day-to-day predictability.
When most of us hear the word routine it has negative connotations. In today’s episode I want to talk with you about why, right now, routine can be your friend.
We often think of routine as something oppressive but it can also be something that helps to provide structure and certainty when the world around us seems unpredictable. Many teachers are already starting to experience some adverse impacts in terms of mental health and we need to use every strategy we have to ensure that we all navigate this challenging season of the corona outbreak.
Having a daily routine and structure as a Catholic teacher is just as important now as it ever was, even if you’re working from home. Make sure you listen to this message as it has powerful implications for mental health and wellbeing.
Today’s Podcast

Checklist For Catholic Teacher Mental Health During Lockdown.
1. Know your personality type. Are you an introvert or more of an extrovert? How much social contact do you need to feel your normal self?
2. Try and develop a set routine and stick to it as best as possible each day.
3. Use a journal or diary to map out a daily plan. This will give you a greater sense of control and structure.
4. Always try and schedule one or two enjoyable activities. It’s important to have something to look forward to.
5. Use FaceTime or Zoom to connect to people you care about and who may feel isolated.
6. Allow time for physical activity such as walking or riding.
7. Have one or two trusted people you can talk to about how you are going in terms of wellbeing and mental health.
8. Keep and eye on your nutrition and hydration. Keep ensuring you are eating well and drinking enough water.
9. Focus on living well through each 24 hour block. Don’t worry about the future. Anxiety increases with a focus upon things we cannot control.
My New Book Is Out Now
Finishing Strong is a loud and clear call for every young person to make the very best of their final years of school. Based on hundreds of seminars around the world to a huge number of students Jonathan Doyle offers powerful, practical advice that can make a major difference.
Each chapter offers inspiring stories, clear principles and actionable steps for identifying and moving forward in study, life, friendships and each key area of life.
Jonathan also includes journal questions and guided reflections at the end of each chapter to maximise learning and ensure the ideas and principles can be made real, personal and achievable.
If you want to help your child or students make the very best of their final years of high school then it;s time to help them finish strong!