Going Deeper

You can’t do a supernatural task with only natural resources.

Want to help teachers avoid burnout, cynicism and exhaustion?

How can every Catholic teacher live their vocation more fully, share the faith with young people and a make a difference in the world?


Help Your Staff Beat Burnout, Become Saints And Save The World!


What Is Going Deeper?

Going Deeper is a weekly online staff formation program in Catholic identity and Catholic teaching on education. It inspires, educates and challenges every Catholic teacher to deepen in their personal faith and knowledge of Catholic teaching so they can fulfil their noble vocation within the great mission of Catholic education.

The Catholic Church has the greatest product in the world with the worst marketing department! There is such a great treasure for the world within the faith but often it fails to be heard.

In our Catholic schools there are so many of what Pope John Paul II called, ‘…people of goodwill.’ There are so many teachers who are open to supporting the Church’s mission in the world but have never been given the formation they need. How can they teach and share what they have never received? 

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Participating as a whole school staff with the Going Deeper program has given us all a common starting point for discussion and the sharing of our faith. We have learned about and been supported in our beliefs that we are vital to the development of those children in our care; spiritually, emotionally, physically and academically. I would recommend this program highly as a wonderful addition to any schools prayer/faith life.

Terese Wandek
Our Lady Of Grace School

Our staff have gathered to watch our last session as a group for the year. I would like to pass on our thanks to you and your team for the Going Deeper programme.

It’s a big success from our point of view and has helped us refine, rethink and renew.

Great growth in understandings, teachings and faith for individuals as well as the group.

Danielle Colvert (Principal)
Good Shepherd School Beverley Hills California

What Do You Get?

Every Monday you receive a new online formation video.

Download a weekly PDF personal journal for reflection and deeper learning.

Weekly PDF Staff Discussion and Prayer Journal

Every school is so busy. Video content is super quick, engaging and flexible.

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